Friday, January 20, 2012

The Circle Maker--Chapter 3

The Jericho Miracle

(If you are not familiar with the story of Jericho, please read it in Joshua 6:1-27)

"The first time around, the soldiers must have felt a little foolish.  But with each circle, their stride grew longer and stronger.  With each circle, a holy confidence was building pressure inside their souls.  By the seventh day, their faith was ready to pop."  (page 21)

Now let's be honest.  Many times the more we pray for something, the more we tend to beg God to move rather than believe that He will.  But the Israelites had heard from God. 
"The Lord said to Joshua, 'See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king & its fighting men."  Joshua 6:2
Too many times we pray fervently asking God to do something that we determined should happen.  But a holy confidence can only come from knowing what God has determined should happen. 

And living (or walking) in obedience.  It would have been tempting to question this battle strategy that God had spoken to Joshua.  But they obeyed & marched in total silence for the 13 circles they walked around Jericho. 
"After seven days of circling Jericho, God delivered on a 400 year old promise!  He proved, once again, that His promises don't have expiration dates."  (page 21)
Here is a modern day example.   A couple could go house hunting for "the perfect house" that fits their budget and meets all of their "must have's for a new home. They will quickly get discouraged and exhausted because they are working so hard to make it happen.  They know that they will have to make strict sacrifices in order to afford this dream.  But everyone will be so impressed with their dream home.

Or that same couple could pray.  "God, we know that you want to use our lives and our home to advance The Kingdom of God in our community.  Please show us the house that you want us to have so that we can serve you better & others will experience love, hope and freedom in Christ Jesus."  As they drive through neighborhoods and just look around, they discover the house that God is leading them to.  It is big enough for their family but also has plenty of space to be comfortable for hosting small groups for their church.  So they draw a prayer circle and wait for God to do what only He can do.  And everyone at closing repeats the phrase "I just didn't see how this was going to happen.  But here we are and it is obvious that God still works miracles!" 

What is Your Jericho?
"If you read this book without answering this question, you will have missed the point.  Like the two blind men outside of Jericho, you need an encounter with the Son of God.  You need an answer to the question He is still asking:  What do you want me to do for you?
Obviously, the answer to this question changes over time.  We need different miracles during different stages of life. . . It's a moving target, but you have to start somewhere.  Why not start here, right now? 
Don't just read the Bible.  Start circling the promises. 
Don't just make a wish.  Write down a list of God-glorifying life goals. 
Don't just pray.  Keep a prayer journal. 
Define your dream.  Claim your promise.  Spell your miracle."
Go ahead.  Grab your Bible and a journal.  No, this isn't easy.  I know what you are thinking.  Saying it out loud (or writing it down in this case) makes it real.  And scary. 
It requires a new dose (or truck load) of faith!  But let's remember that "who we become is determined by how we pray."

Do you still need an extra dose of inspiration?  Be sure to read the story about Wayne & Diane praying for their unborn baby.  That story (pages 23-24) had me laughing and crying at the same time.  

Angela Billups Smith

The Circle Maker--What is a Prayer Circle?

"Drawing prayer circles starts with discerning what God wants, what God wills.  And until His soverign will becomes your sanctified wish, your prayer life will be unplugged from its power supply. . . getting what you want isn't the goal; the goal is glorifying God by drawing circles around the promises, miracles, and dreams He wants for you."  ( Chapter 2: page 14)

Too many times we seek a formula for praying so that we get the kind of answer or outcome that another person tells us about.  But God doesn't work like that.  He is a person who wants to be known.  And the knowing Him happens through prayer. 

Prayer doesn't change God; it changes us.  As Jesus taught us to
 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 New Living Translation
Jesus was telling us to stop taking your proverbial grocery list of wants or perceived needs to God!  Instead we are to go to Him asking "what is the will of God for my life?"   

 Do we want what we think we need?  Or do we want what He knows we need.  
Do we want to pray an average prayer or do we want to pray a headline making prayer?  If it is all about glorifying God, then let us live and pray with that as our goal!  

Let me share how God has used this to change how I pray.  
Up to this point I have prayed the "bless my children and protect them from the attacks of the devil."  We pray put on the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) on the way to school every morning.  We pray for teachers and students to be blessed by their lives.

But today my prayer became "God I am asking you to make my children even greater lights for you in this dark world.  I also ask that they would begin inviting kids to go to church with them and to spend time with our family.  I pray that every month of 2012 that each of my children would introduce at least 1 person to Christ!!  God, please use us to bring the  hope and redeeming love of Christ not only children but entire families!! 

What I prayed was huge for me.  Sounds easy but you don't know how hard it is for me to get to church on time with my own kids.  And I just asked God to give me other kids to take to church!!  But He dropped it into my heart that if I am willing, He will use the Smith Family to greatly impact our community!  That we can be known as the Light House for our town!!  

Now it is your turn!  What prayers will you pray now that your goal is "for His glory" and not just to meet your needs?

Angela Billups Smith

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How Bad to you Want it?

"How bad do you want it?"

That is the question that rammed into my head during my devotion time today.

Like many people, I have said I want a lot of things.  To lose weight.  To be debt free.  To be a writer.  To be better organized.  

But this week a dear friend reminded me that Jesus taught us to seek one thing.  THE WILL OF GOD.  
"Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."   Matt. 6:10
It sounds lofty and unattainable.  Probably a bit daunting as well.  The Will of God is likely going to cost me something.  But it was what Jesus himself died for us to experience.  Not the status quo life that so many of us unintentionally settle for.  

Again I hear God's question echoing in my soul.  My answer is humble yet firm. I don't want to live without it. Not even one day.  

Immediately I am reminded of  my theme for 2012.  FINISH.  Yes, in order to live fully in the Will of God, I must not just start with Him but I must finishFinish assignments.  Finish challenges.  Finish projects.  

I don't want to drag across the finish line either.  I want to be running full steam ahead with my hands up in the air declaring "I did it!" 

My mental picture is of  world class athletes who work hard & sacrifice much. Men and women who have disciplined not only their bodies but their minds, their time, their dreams.

Am I willing to become that kind of person?  What will it require of me?  
The answer slams into my heart.  "Get my flesh under control.  Make it surrender to it's Creator."   

My flesh is most noticeable in my food choices.  I see it every time I give into my craving for a Starbuck's Salted Caramel Mocha.  Or when I order chips with my sorta healthy sandwich instead of the salad I know I should eat.    When I order fast food instead of being disciplined to take my lunch to work or plan for cooking at home. 

And then I realize that I am surrounded by people who are talking about being on a 21 Day Fast.  Most of them are doing a Daniel Fast.  Only fruits and vegetables.  No sugar.  No breads.  No processed foods.  And I can hear my flesh literally scream "NOOOOOO!"  

But my spirit knows that His way is not my way.  So I cry out "HELP ME JESUS!"  I want it BAAAAAAD.  And I will submit.  I will discipline myself.  I will die to myself.  

So I am resolute in my decision.  I have marked my calendar.  And I am preparing myself.  It won't be easy.  But I don't want to ever wonder what God might have done if only I had been obedient.

What is God asking you to do so that He can take you to a deeper level with Him?

Angela Billups Smith

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Monday, January 9, 2012

The Circle Maker--Small & Timid or Big Audacious Prayers

Welcome back to The Circle Maker book club.  Today is what I would describe as "getting ready for take-off" kind of day!!  So let's get going!

Chapter 2: Circle Makers

"Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. . . If your prayers aren't impossible to you, they are insulting to God.  Why?  Because they don't require divine intervention."

I don't think I have ever thought about the level of boldness I have in my prayers.  I pray for protection, wisdom, healing, divine appointments, etc.  I think it is important to pray these.  But if we only pray these, it seems we are missing the "Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven". (Matthew 6:9-13)

What impossible situations are you facing that you have been scared to pray for?  What could never happen unless divine intervention took place?   

Can I be real with you & share the ones that come to mind?
  • The healing of a destroyed relationship in my family due to psychological problems.  
  • Complete freedom from debt incurred during a time of living beyond our wage.  
  • My dream of becoming a New York Times best selling author and nationally-known speaker to put the fingerprint of Heaven on the lives of men, women & children all over the world so that they live relentlessly for Jesus Christ until the day they die!
What are your "never could happen" situations?

"God is for you.  If you don't believe that, then you'll pray small timid prayers; if you do believe it, then you'll pray big audacious prayers.  And one way or another, your small timid prayers or big audacious prayers will change the trajectory of your life and turn you into two totally different people.  Prayers are prophecies.  They are the best predictors of your spiritual future.  Who you become is determined by how you pray.  Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life."

Small timid prayers. I don't like the sound of that.  But big audacious prayers is a daunting concept, isn't it?  When I think of the difference, I always think of the underdog in a high profile football game.  I love cheering for the underdog.  There is just something about believing that they "really can beat the odds and win this thing"!  If I can do that for a football team I care nothing about, then surely I can do that for my life and my legacy!

Trajectory is defined as "the curve described by a projectile, rocket or the like in its flight".  It is best illustrated by a plane that was intended to land in Dallas, Texas but was a few degrees off course and thus landed in Kansas City, Missouri!  

So are your prayers sending you in the direction that will  get you to your desired location?  What if you have been praying to arrive in a place you have already been and God has a once-in-a-lifetime destination planned for you?  

Oh, I can hear the moans already. . ."No, that probably means He wants to send me to Africa on the mission field!"  Why is it that we tend to be fearful and distrusting of God's wonderful plans for our lives?  Do we really want to settle for the small boring stories that we can plot?  Or do we discover the mysterious plot full of thrills and heart-stopping adventure that He has planned for us?  

For some, it feels too hard to imagine that.  We don't even know where to begin with our prayers.  A friend told me recently, "I don't know what I want in a husband so how can I pray for him?"  My answer was "then figure out what you don't want!"  She giggled but I think she realized that was probably pretty easy.  So many times we are afraid to dream big because we fear disappointment.  But I believe it is time for us to fear getting what everyone else is getting. A life full of complaints, hurts, hopelessness and despair.

So let us start dreaming by determining what we don't want.  

I don't want a life of mundane and normal.  I don't want the story of my life to begin & end with "she was a nice person who loved Jesus and lived a good life." 

I do want my funeral to be packed out by people who felt loved and inspired by me.  I want there to be incredible stories about my life of adventure and so funny that they have tears streaming down their faces.  I want books to be written about the risks that I took and the people that I took along with me on those 'crazy journeys with God'!

Now, take a few minutes to answer these questions.  Did you know that good change is 90% more likely when you take time to write things down?  It is true.  So go ahead & do it now!

  • What impossible situations are you facing that can only change with divine intervention?
  • What you do not want for your life? 
  • What kind of script do you want for your life? Use 3-5 words to describe it.
Now, be sure to share in the comments section below.

Angela Billups Smith

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The Circle Maker--Lessons from Honi

"Lord of the universe, I swear before Your great name that I will not move from this circle until You have show mercy upon Your children."

So many times it is not our lack of praying that is the problem.  It is our lack of resolution to not do anything except wait for the answer.  

I believe that our sin nature rises up even as our spirit is praying to formulate "Plan B" in case God doesn't answer our prayers.

But Honi knew that there was no Plan B.

And if we are honest, we know that too.  Plan B is not what we crave for our lives.  Plan B is the token that Hell throws our way, hoping that we will settle for that.  Hell is begging us to move from the circle so that they don't have to give up any ground.  But let us remember that Satan has been defeated and we must go after that which God won for us. . .even if it means circling in prayer.

"Each raindrop was a tangible token of God's grace.  And they didn't just soak the skin; they soaked the spirit with faith.  It had been difficult to believe the day before the day.  The day after the day, it was impossible not to believe."

As we begin this adventure, this is what I am asking God to do for each one of us.  To give us an extra measure of grace that soaks our spirit with faith.  For so many of us, we are so parched by life that any faith we had for miracles seems to have dried up & blown away!  But may today change our spiritual climate!

Let's pray this together, knowing that He hears us!

"Heavenly Father, I want it to be said of ME that it was impossible to not believe!  Please give me faith that soaks me through and through so that I can once again dream with you and not be parched by fear.  I want to become a circle maker."

Angela Billups Smith

Learn more about The Circle Maker here
Your can purchase a hard copy or digital book here.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Circle Maker: Day 1

Are you ready to get started on this adventure?  Me too!

TCM book-large

While I have never hosted a book club via a blog, I do believe that it can be much like live book groups!  So I hope you find a comfy seat and even grab your favorite cup of coffee (mine is a peppermint mocha or hot chocolate this time of year)!  But since most of you want to know what to expect here, let me answer your questions before we get started!  
  • Commit to start & finish this book with us!  Refuse to miss out on what God has for you--no intimidation!  YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Let's go slow enough to really process the message so that we can let it do it's work in us.  
  • I will write about each chapter in several short segments 2-3 times per week.
  • Your comments are the discussion, so please do so often & let us know what is speaking to you.
  • You can share these discussions by telling your friends to follow me on Twitter.
Last note:  When I begin reading a new book, I read every. single. page. That is important as we start today (smile)!  Alright, then.  HERE. WE. GOOOOO!

The dedication page really impacted me.

"To my father-in-law, Bob Schmidgall.  The memory of you kneeling in prayer lives forever, as do your prayers." 
Even though we have family prayer time before bed, too often it becomes the Benediction for the day.  But this father-in-law didn't impact his family by prayers over dinner or to end the day.  His family witnessed him in the acts of crying out to God!  And he did it kneeling.  I can't remember the last time I knelt in prayer at home.  But that is how I remember my grandmother praying.  Kneeling is the outward expression of a humble and submissive heart to God.  
What would happen if you & I started doing this w/ our families? We know that spiritual parenting is like many other things--more is caught than taught!  Imagine the legacy we could create if we followed Bob Schmidgall's example!  To kneel.  To depend on God.  To pray out loud.  Together.

Chapter 1:  The Legend of the Circle Maker

"Miracles were such a distant memory that they seemed like a false memory.  And God was nowhere to be heard.  But there was one man, an eccentric sage who lived outside the walls of Jerusalem, who dared to pray anyway.  His name was Honi. And even if the people could no longer hear God, he believed that God could still hear them."
Miracles.  Does that word intimidate anyone else like it does me?  I mean, I see our desperate need for miracles all around me.  In our marriages, in our families, in our bodies, in our jobs, in our churches, in our communities.  Things that only God can do!  But I struggle with a bad case of the "what if’s”.  But here I had a revelation: Honi is not noted for his great faith (although I am sure he had plenty).  Instead, he is known as the man who dared to pray and believed that God would hear!
We have a saying at our church that says "Things happen when we pray that won't happen if we don't pray"!  
I am certain that many of us have those things in our lives that we quit praying about a long time ago. There are so many reasons that we stop praying.  Anger. Bitterness. Hopelessness.  Busyness.  Intimidation.    Each one used by Satan to shut us down.  
But God created us to take the dare!  To pray anyway.  

What are 3 things that God is calling you to begin praying about again?  Write them down in bullet form.  Maybe even share them here.  
And believe that God still hears your prayers.

Angela Billups Smith

Learn more about The Circle Maker here
Your can purchase a hard copy or digital book here.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ready for a New Journey with God

A journey typically starts with establishing the desired destination.  Maps or GPS devices are usually involved.  And the estimated time of arrival is declared before ever putting the vehicle in reverse.

But taking a journey with God is much more like scavenger hunt.  He knows all the details but we only get them along the way!  Thus, God-journeys are probably best described as adventures (defined as) 
"an exciting or very unusual experience;  a bold, usually risky undertaking".
I don't know about you but I am craving that kind of time with God!  The kind of adventure that let's me experience the heart of my Father God AND gain His vision for my life!  But I am uncertain how to get that.  And am I even 'ready' for such a bold and risky experience with My Creator?  

I become very aware that it will require me to do things very differently in my daily life. . . and so I asked God to show me how.  And it seemed he began answering me through random life experiences.

The very next day I read a tweet that simply said "when you stop dreaming, you stop living."  Interesting concept.  Probably true but who has time to dream in the midst of raising a family and working? 

About 2 weeks later I had an unusual conversation with a friend who told me about his 100 Dreams Project.  He was writing down 100 things that he wanted to accomplish in his lifetime (not the same as a bucket list).  He challenged his wife (my very dear friend) and she had the same reaction I did: "I can't even come up with ONE dream--and you want me to write 100?!!??" 

And then I got an email announcing the brand new book by Mark Batterson (one of my all time favorite authors & speakers) called The Circle Maker--Praying Circles around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears.

Three times in very distinct ways about the same thing--Dreams. My friend & author, Margaret Feinberg, calls that "Sacred Echos".  God had captivated my attention and I recognized that it wasn't a coincidence that this subject was coming up repeatedly.  Yes, God was definitely speaking.

"Adventure with Me by dreaming and praying."

My heart is pounding with anticipation already!  Don't you want to join this great adventure?  May we embrace the destiny God has for us & as we "pray circles around our biggest dreams & greatest fears"? 

So grab your book and let's start reading. . . I mean start dreaming with God together!
Relentless for His Grace,
Angela Billups Smith
Learn more about The Circle Maker here
Your can purchase a hard copy or digital book here

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