Thursday, January 12, 2012

How Bad to you Want it?

"How bad do you want it?"

That is the question that rammed into my head during my devotion time today.

Like many people, I have said I want a lot of things.  To lose weight.  To be debt free.  To be a writer.  To be better organized.  

But this week a dear friend reminded me that Jesus taught us to seek one thing.  THE WILL OF GOD.  
"Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."   Matt. 6:10
It sounds lofty and unattainable.  Probably a bit daunting as well.  The Will of God is likely going to cost me something.  But it was what Jesus himself died for us to experience.  Not the status quo life that so many of us unintentionally settle for.  

Again I hear God's question echoing in my soul.  My answer is humble yet firm. I don't want to live without it. Not even one day.  

Immediately I am reminded of  my theme for 2012.  FINISH.  Yes, in order to live fully in the Will of God, I must not just start with Him but I must finishFinish assignments.  Finish challenges.  Finish projects.  

I don't want to drag across the finish line either.  I want to be running full steam ahead with my hands up in the air declaring "I did it!" 

My mental picture is of  world class athletes who work hard & sacrifice much. Men and women who have disciplined not only their bodies but their minds, their time, their dreams.

Am I willing to become that kind of person?  What will it require of me?  
The answer slams into my heart.  "Get my flesh under control.  Make it surrender to it's Creator."   

My flesh is most noticeable in my food choices.  I see it every time I give into my craving for a Starbuck's Salted Caramel Mocha.  Or when I order chips with my sorta healthy sandwich instead of the salad I know I should eat.    When I order fast food instead of being disciplined to take my lunch to work or plan for cooking at home. 

And then I realize that I am surrounded by people who are talking about being on a 21 Day Fast.  Most of them are doing a Daniel Fast.  Only fruits and vegetables.  No sugar.  No breads.  No processed foods.  And I can hear my flesh literally scream "NOOOOOO!"  

But my spirit knows that His way is not my way.  So I cry out "HELP ME JESUS!"  I want it BAAAAAAD.  And I will submit.  I will discipline myself.  I will die to myself.  

So I am resolute in my decision.  I have marked my calendar.  And I am preparing myself.  It won't be easy.  But I don't want to ever wonder what God might have done if only I had been obedient.

What is God asking you to do so that He can take you to a deeper level with Him?

Angela Billups Smith

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  1. To be intentional, even in my typing. To slow down and type with intention. He is being this detailed with me. He is highlighting so many area's for me and I can feel my spirit in tune wit his.

    I don't think what your thinking is lofty. When God is in it nothing is lofty, right!

    Thanks for the post! I enjoyed reading it and love how God is speaking to you!!

  2. To be more intentional in my prayers.... In the past my prayer journal was a few scribbles of prayer requests that I rarely kept track of after I prayed. As 2011 came to a close, God began speaking to me about being more intentional about recording the prayer requests and prayers I pray for others as well as myself. A few days into the New Year, a dear friend emailed saying she had a dream where I was referred to not by my name, but as "intercessor." I'm not sure what this new season holds, but I can share that I've received more requests for personal prayer over the past few weeks than I have in some time. Excuse me while I fasten my seat belt....!

  3. I'm seeing a theme here and in other groups I am involved in and it is 'intentional'. The past 6 and even more intensely the past three, my prayer time has been more, 'intentional'. Not just bless so-and-so or heal so-and-so, but calling in line bodily/organ functions, calling down Holy Fire to burn away cancer; calling a marriage to not only be healed, but be the most fantastic, unified, God serving family they can be; not just, "Lord give us a Godly president." But, "God raise up a nation that will repent, humble themselves, stand up for Godly plans and purposes for this nation, cut off the hand of the greedy, self seeking and raise up leaders that will proclaim and promote righteousness!". We had an Aglow board meeting tonight and the power of God fell on us as we prayed for about 9 nations that are electing new leaders this year. We need to draw prayer circles around this nation! As we were praying I heard, "As the oil of anointing falls on this nation it will dig in the old waste places and the oil will flow again from this land." I have never felt my prayers to be more powerful! Thank you Lord for visiting your servant!

  4. God is calling me to give everything to Him . . . every triumph, every dream, every family member, every friend, every worry, every heart ache, every minute detail of my life. While I know I have already given Abba a lot of "stuff," there is still more that needs to be given. Many times I've given Him things during my prayer time, only to realize that in less than 24 hours (maybe even seconds) I'd taken some of "my stuff" back from Him. I say "my" because I'd only loaned Him some things---no change of ownership had taken place. One of the biggest triumphs I hope to accomplish for 2012 is to give everything to Him, to finally be completely empty of "Debbie" and not find a little hidden piece in a pocket somewhere! To be totally reliant upon Him to work everything out requires complete trust. I want this!!!

  5. Friday iNSPIRING MOMS group decided to use 'The Circle Maker' book for our study. We read chapter 1 and I felt a real 'stir' in the spiritual atmosphere of our group! We are going to use our free Fridays for outreach in drawing prayer circles around our schools. We will meet at or near designated schools and pray for our/and the students that attend there, the staff and teachers, and the atmosphere and curriculum to line up with Godly principles! I am anxious to see the changes in us and in our schools1



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