Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Circle Maker: Day 1

Are you ready to get started on this adventure?  Me too!

TCM book-large

While I have never hosted a book club via a blog, I do believe that it can be much like live book groups!  So I hope you find a comfy seat and even grab your favorite cup of coffee (mine is a peppermint mocha or hot chocolate this time of year)!  But since most of you want to know what to expect here, let me answer your questions before we get started!  
  • Commit to start & finish this book with us!  Refuse to miss out on what God has for you--no intimidation!  YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Let's go slow enough to really process the message so that we can let it do it's work in us.  
  • I will write about each chapter in several short segments 2-3 times per week.
  • Your comments are the discussion, so please do so often & let us know what is speaking to you.
  • You can share these discussions by telling your friends to follow me on Twitter.
Last note:  When I begin reading a new book, I read every. single. page. That is important as we start today (smile)!  Alright, then.  HERE. WE. GOOOOO!

The dedication page really impacted me.

"To my father-in-law, Bob Schmidgall.  The memory of you kneeling in prayer lives forever, as do your prayers." 
Even though we have family prayer time before bed, too often it becomes the Benediction for the day.  But this father-in-law didn't impact his family by prayers over dinner or to end the day.  His family witnessed him in the acts of crying out to God!  And he did it kneeling.  I can't remember the last time I knelt in prayer at home.  But that is how I remember my grandmother praying.  Kneeling is the outward expression of a humble and submissive heart to God.  
What would happen if you & I started doing this w/ our families? We know that spiritual parenting is like many other things--more is caught than taught!  Imagine the legacy we could create if we followed Bob Schmidgall's example!  To kneel.  To depend on God.  To pray out loud.  Together.

Chapter 1:  The Legend of the Circle Maker

"Miracles were such a distant memory that they seemed like a false memory.  And God was nowhere to be heard.  But there was one man, an eccentric sage who lived outside the walls of Jerusalem, who dared to pray anyway.  His name was Honi. And even if the people could no longer hear God, he believed that God could still hear them."
Miracles.  Does that word intimidate anyone else like it does me?  I mean, I see our desperate need for miracles all around me.  In our marriages, in our families, in our bodies, in our jobs, in our churches, in our communities.  Things that only God can do!  But I struggle with a bad case of the "what if’s”.  But here I had a revelation: Honi is not noted for his great faith (although I am sure he had plenty).  Instead, he is known as the man who dared to pray and believed that God would hear!
We have a saying at our church that says "Things happen when we pray that won't happen if we don't pray"!  
I am certain that many of us have those things in our lives that we quit praying about a long time ago. There are so many reasons that we stop praying.  Anger. Bitterness. Hopelessness.  Busyness.  Intimidation.    Each one used by Satan to shut us down.  
But God created us to take the dare!  To pray anyway.  

What are 3 things that God is calling you to begin praying about again?  Write them down in bullet form.  Maybe even share them here.  
And believe that God still hears your prayers.

Angela Billups Smith

Learn more about The Circle Maker here
Your can purchase a hard copy or digital book here.


  1. I loved that he prayed so expectantly. When the rain was too light he prayed again, expectantly. When it was too heavy, he prayed again. He was not being arrogant but being faithful, knowing that God is perfect. God, too, knew how faithful Honi was but there were people who were gathered who were observing Honi in his act of praying in faith, without ceasing, and being specific.

  2. Since being miraculously healed at near death in 1976, I've had a reputation for believing for miracles (and seen many). What jumped out at me in chapter 1 was "When rain is plentiful, it's an afterthought. During a drought, it's the only thought." Sometimes we get caught up in "the miracle" we need instead of praising God for all the miracles we have or are seeing daily and pressing into the gifts, talents and calling that is on our life. And then a few lines later, "With a six-foot staff in his hand,". What's in your hand? Love instead of hatred and bitterness? A kind word instead of a sharp scartastic answer? Writing my book on healing and getting published is a prayer that has gotten pushed aside the last two years . . . I'm drawing my circle and pressing in to get a manuscript ready for a publisher!

  3. Fiddlesticks! I just wrote this heartfelt comment while on my kindle fire and then I went and erased it:( So here I go again. I, too have had God echo something to me. I used to pray for God to change my husband and then one day He told me that if I became more like the wife in 1Peter 3 then I would see changes in my home. I cannot change my husband but I can change me and how I react. Then I started praying about that and the busyness and hopelessness that you mention took over and I quit praying. Well, today I draw my circle! I believe that God will equip me with the strength this journey will require. I have tried relying on my own strength and knowledge and failed miserably! I have seen how other christians relentlessly pursue God and sometimes come under an attack from the enemy. Therefore, I took the stance that instead of stirring the pot I would just take the safe route and continue what I had been doing...nothing. Well, guess what, that isn't working out too well. I am extremely excited about the journey that I am about to embark on.

  4. THANK YOU:) I so needed this and I never heard of the book but will be on the lookout for it! Just the beginning of the book brings back memories of my step-grandmother praying, kneeling at her bedside night after night- recently before I read this blog- that memory had surfaced- and the echo had begun- now- it is shouting- and I say thank you...

  5. Jenny, I think there are many of us that have been in your same situation--doing the same NOTHING about our hard places for a long time. But being on this adventure together builds faith b/c we know we are on the same team with the same goals!! I can't wait to see what God does for you & your marriage!

  6. I hope that you have found the book by now but if not, I have links to it on the 1st page & will post another link today. But so glad that you are joining us!! The Sacred Echos do so much to stir our soul to experience MORE of God!! I look forward to hearing more from you as you journey with us!



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