Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ready for a New Journey with God

A journey typically starts with establishing the desired destination.  Maps or GPS devices are usually involved.  And the estimated time of arrival is declared before ever putting the vehicle in reverse.

But taking a journey with God is much more like scavenger hunt.  He knows all the details but we only get them along the way!  Thus, God-journeys are probably best described as adventures (defined as) 
"an exciting or very unusual experience;  a bold, usually risky undertaking".
I don't know about you but I am craving that kind of time with God!  The kind of adventure that let's me experience the heart of my Father God AND gain His vision for my life!  But I am uncertain how to get that.  And am I even 'ready' for such a bold and risky experience with My Creator?  

I become very aware that it will require me to do things very differently in my daily life. . . and so I asked God to show me how.  And it seemed he began answering me through random life experiences.

The very next day I read a tweet that simply said "when you stop dreaming, you stop living."  Interesting concept.  Probably true but who has time to dream in the midst of raising a family and working? 

About 2 weeks later I had an unusual conversation with a friend who told me about his 100 Dreams Project.  He was writing down 100 things that he wanted to accomplish in his lifetime (not the same as a bucket list).  He challenged his wife (my very dear friend) and she had the same reaction I did: "I can't even come up with ONE dream--and you want me to write 100?!!??" 

And then I got an email announcing the brand new book by Mark Batterson (one of my all time favorite authors & speakers) called The Circle Maker--Praying Circles around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears.

Three times in very distinct ways about the same thing--Dreams. My friend & author, Margaret Feinberg, calls that "Sacred Echos".  God had captivated my attention and I recognized that it wasn't a coincidence that this subject was coming up repeatedly.  Yes, God was definitely speaking.

"Adventure with Me by dreaming and praying."

My heart is pounding with anticipation already!  Don't you want to join this great adventure?  May we embrace the destiny God has for us & as we "pray circles around our biggest dreams & greatest fears"? 

So grab your book and let's start reading. . . I mean start dreaming with God together!
Relentless for His Grace,
Angela Billups Smith
Learn more about The Circle Maker here
Your can purchase a hard copy or digital book here


  1. I started on this journey about a year ago. After homeschooling my grandson and anticipating taking care of a new grandaughter as I had my grandson, things changed abruptly. My grandson went to public school, I went back into the workforce (after 12 years of being retired) and my daughter lost her job 2 weeks before giving birth. I felt lost, empty and "where do I go from here?" dispair. I was involved in many ministries and outreach programs but nothing seemed fulfilling (it was, but there seemed to be an empty hole). In the fall I began a relentless pursuit of what God wanted me involved in or what I needed ot let go. For several months I heard nothing, then I went to two conferences with a heart of seeking and wanting desperately to 'hear something'. What I heard was, "I am requiring more of you in this season." MORE!? WHAT?! Then Angela posted about the book 'The Circle Maker'. I went on-line and was hooked right away and ordered two copies (because I know I need to give one to someone!!). I've been reading it for about six weeks, it has not only inspired me to dream bigger, pray bigger and divine my prayers; it has brought the most intimate walk with Jesus that I have ever had in my life! It revealed dreams and a calling that I had put aside and that I needed to pick them up, 'CIRCLE THEM WITH PRAYER' and let God bring the increase!! I AM AMAZED AT THIS NEW ZEAL AND JOY THAT HAS COME FROM 'CIRCLING MY DREAMS AND CIRCUMSTANCES WITH AMAZING AND POWERFUL PRAYERS' Joyfultidings have are indeed for all people . . Jacque

  2. Jacque, you have inspired me & made me cry all at the same time! THANK YOU for sharing! I can't wait!



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