Friday, January 20, 2012

The Circle Maker--Chapter 3

The Jericho Miracle

(If you are not familiar with the story of Jericho, please read it in Joshua 6:1-27)

"The first time around, the soldiers must have felt a little foolish.  But with each circle, their stride grew longer and stronger.  With each circle, a holy confidence was building pressure inside their souls.  By the seventh day, their faith was ready to pop."  (page 21)

Now let's be honest.  Many times the more we pray for something, the more we tend to beg God to move rather than believe that He will.  But the Israelites had heard from God. 
"The Lord said to Joshua, 'See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king & its fighting men."  Joshua 6:2
Too many times we pray fervently asking God to do something that we determined should happen.  But a holy confidence can only come from knowing what God has determined should happen. 

And living (or walking) in obedience.  It would have been tempting to question this battle strategy that God had spoken to Joshua.  But they obeyed & marched in total silence for the 13 circles they walked around Jericho. 
"After seven days of circling Jericho, God delivered on a 400 year old promise!  He proved, once again, that His promises don't have expiration dates."  (page 21)
Here is a modern day example.   A couple could go house hunting for "the perfect house" that fits their budget and meets all of their "must have's for a new home. They will quickly get discouraged and exhausted because they are working so hard to make it happen.  They know that they will have to make strict sacrifices in order to afford this dream.  But everyone will be so impressed with their dream home.

Or that same couple could pray.  "God, we know that you want to use our lives and our home to advance The Kingdom of God in our community.  Please show us the house that you want us to have so that we can serve you better & others will experience love, hope and freedom in Christ Jesus."  As they drive through neighborhoods and just look around, they discover the house that God is leading them to.  It is big enough for their family but also has plenty of space to be comfortable for hosting small groups for their church.  So they draw a prayer circle and wait for God to do what only He can do.  And everyone at closing repeats the phrase "I just didn't see how this was going to happen.  But here we are and it is obvious that God still works miracles!" 

What is Your Jericho?
"If you read this book without answering this question, you will have missed the point.  Like the two blind men outside of Jericho, you need an encounter with the Son of God.  You need an answer to the question He is still asking:  What do you want me to do for you?
Obviously, the answer to this question changes over time.  We need different miracles during different stages of life. . . It's a moving target, but you have to start somewhere.  Why not start here, right now? 
Don't just read the Bible.  Start circling the promises. 
Don't just make a wish.  Write down a list of God-glorifying life goals. 
Don't just pray.  Keep a prayer journal. 
Define your dream.  Claim your promise.  Spell your miracle."
Go ahead.  Grab your Bible and a journal.  No, this isn't easy.  I know what you are thinking.  Saying it out loud (or writing it down in this case) makes it real.  And scary. 
It requires a new dose (or truck load) of faith!  But let's remember that "who we become is determined by how we pray."

Do you still need an extra dose of inspiration?  Be sure to read the story about Wayne & Diane praying for their unborn baby.  That story (pages 23-24) had me laughing and crying at the same time.  

Angela Billups Smith

1 comment:

  1. I loved the story about Wayne and Diane, I prayed a lot for my children after I became a believer, broke generational curses (at least I thought I did! But still had divorces happen in my children's marriages). I prayed for my grandchildren (the ones I don't get to see or spend time with) and now I am going to draw prayer circles around them and my great-grandsons. I have a greater sense of urgency in praying for the Calvin and Reese (the two grandchildren I live with and am an active part of their likes). I thank God I can be a covering for them and a major influence in their social and spiritual lives. I expect to see great things happen in my family this year!



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